Wednesday, April 20, 2011

the walking "she"

it was raining heavily as she walk down the streets of
someplace where people pass by easily.
she's wet, hungry and she's loosing her sanity.
she stopped to say "can you give me some money".
but no one, no one ever felt sympathy.. she cried softly..
and she whispered "this is reality"
she continued walking, there she saw faces like hers..
faces of the lonely..faces of the angry..
it's dark, the rain, it's still pouring like there's no tomorrow..
she heard sounds of footsteps following her.. she trembled..
scared to move.. scared to breathe
then "bang!" after that no noise was heard
she saw it, a shadow.. with a mans' silhouette.
she was down on her knees.. smiling..
she accepted the pain, she closed her eyes.
the man walked away..
the rain continued..
life on earth continued..